National | Abuse

Ko tā Nicola Dally-Paki, "Ka whakapai ake ahau i ahau anō hei painga mō āku tamariki."

Ko te uiuinga mō te matenga o Moko Rangitoheriri i te Hereturikōkā o te tau rua mano, tekau mā rima, i tīmata ki Rotorua i te rā nei. Ko te māmā, ko Nicola Dally-Paki, tētahi o ngā māngai maha i whakatakoto kōrero taunaki.

Ko tā te rōia a David Dowthwaite, ko te matenga o Moko Rangitoheriri te tino o ngā matenga pokerehū.

"The main event that caused Moko's death was stomping on his abdomen and stomach with significant force. Two of the children present witnessed this and said it was really, really hard and that Moko was groaning and expelling bursts of air."

Ko ngā whakamārama mō te matenga o Moko i pānuihia atu e Dowthwaite nāna hoki Te Kōti Take Mate i āwhina i te whakawātanga mō te matenga o Nia Glassie i te tau rua mano mā whitu.

"It appears Nia Glassie in what happened to her is kindergarten compared to what you have just read out," e kī ana te kaitirotiro tūpāpaku a Wallace Bain.

I tēra tau, i whakawhiua a Tania Shailer rāua ko David Haerewa kia tekau mā whitu tau te roa ki te whare herehere mō te matenga pokerehū Moko Rangitoheriri.

"The pathologist established that he had lethal injuries causing his death which were lacerations and haemorrhage deep within his abdomen," e mea ana a Dowthwaite.

Ko te whāea hoki o Moko, ko Nicola Dally-Paki, i tuku ētahi kōrero ki te kōti. Hei tāna, kei te anga whakamua te titiro mō te oranga o tōna whānau te painga.

"I will continue to better myself for my children and for our future. I have to continue to make positive changes so that I can have my children returned to my care or at the very least be allowed to contact them," e kī ana a Dally-Paki.

Hei te tuatoru o Oketopa, ka tū anō he whakawātanga ki reira rongo ai i ngā kōrero taunaki a ētahi mātanga mō ngā kōrero i rangona i te rā nei.