National | Education

Dawson Primary School use poetry, rap and dance to improve language skills

A form of teaching called Jill.E Poetry has students of Dawson Primary School excited because it uses poetry, rap and dance to enhance their language skills, reading and drawing.

Jill Eggleton says, "Rhythm is in all cultures.  It's just so important to have it because the rhythm of language and the power of the words is caught and not taught, and what they're doing is catching the rhythm of language."

Despite the children coming from a diversity of cultures, they all relate well to this form of teaching.

Dawson Primary School teacher, Deshni Pillay says, "The children share their own interests about the poem, their own ideas, things from their culture as well, so we integrate Māori language into our poem as well."

There's also a huge range of skills being learnt here, but having fun is obviously a must.

Eggleton says, "You can see how they love it and the reading and the expression that they're putting, so all the punctuation is just done naturally and poetry is a way that would hook all children into learning."

These students are looking ahead to celebrating National Poetry Day next Friday.