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Loud & proud Māori chef encourages others to back themselves

Māori celebrity chef Bridget Davis (Ngāpuhi) is encouraging others to back themselves as she works on her fourth cookbook.

While her publishing journey hasn't been easy, Davis says that with 10,000 books sold in two months, all the blood, sweat and tears has been worth it.

“Having control means that we could decide what recipes go into the book, we could decide what goes into the theme of the book and also at the end of it we can make more money as well because you don't make enough money as an author.”

Her previous book, Bridget's Healthy Kitchen, sold 10,000 copies in two months.  However, her first two books, including Breakfast around the World, weren't self-published.

“It's not easy making money down that route, so it was a little bit frustrating but at the same time it was good to know how the systems work.  Now I've got a little bit of an understanding, I'm just going to go self-publishing now.”

Last week, Davis gained recognition in China after winning the Best Breakfast Cookbook award at the World International Book Fair.

“I sat there for about five seconds and had no idea that they had said my name because it was not what we were expecting at all.  But it was such an honour [for only] my second cookbook to win such a prestigious award.”

#TOHU A Māori chef raised in Otara who was once told she would end up being a waitress has won the Best Breakfast Cookbook award at the World Gourmand Cookbook Awards.

Posted by Te Ao Māori News on Thursday, July 11, 2019

Te Ao Māori News published an article on Davis receiving the award which quickly went viral after highlighting her struggle, notably as a young waitress who was told she would never be a chef.

“What has happened since that article release, it's been a little bit mind-blowing.  We've been contacted by multiple television companies that are now wanting to do a cooking show and that would have never happened if that article wasn't out there.  It was loud and it was proud and it was celebrating the hard work that we've put in for so many years, not just as a chef but as a food writer as well.”

Davis, who is currently a full-time internet vlogger, is working on her fourth book, a second edition to Bridget's Healthy Kitchen and is expected to release before Christmas.