National | Politics

MPs comment over Taurima’s actions

It was a media nightmare this morning for David Cunliffe as he looked to distance himself from Shane Taurima and his political aspirations.

It's no surprise that Taurima's resignation has a few National MPs making barbed comments.

According to Tau Henare, “It shows me that every time I went on TV with him, I wasn’t getting a fair deal and nor were any others except for the Labour Party.”

Paula Bennett also stated, “I’ve always thought he was harder on National Māori women.”

But PM John Key says the buck stops higher up the TVNZ management ladder, and he has no issues with Taurima as an interviewer.

“They were robust interviews and I have lots of robust interviews and I don't have a beef towards him.”

Taurima's connections with the Labour Party are no secret, but even Shane Jones, who always has something to say, was keeping quiet on Taurima's future with the party.

“We'll see in time whether the party leaders favour him.  In time he will disclose his intentions.”

Nominations for the Labour candidacy for the Tāmaki Makaurau seat close on February 28, and Labour could also close the door on Shane Taurima's political aspirations.