National | Abuse

Native Affairs - Tall Tales

Last week we brought you the story of jailed Northland farmer Allan Titford and his fight with Te Roroa.

Titford made headlines in the 1980s and 90s when he accused Te Roroa of being land grabbing Māori who burned his house down.

As it turns out, Alan Titford burned his own house down and last year was jailed on 39 convictions - of sexual offending against his former wife Susan Cochrane, violence against her and their children, fraud, threatening to kill, perjury, firearms charges and of course arson.

We had plenty of feedback about this story both for and against Allan Titford. However it's the people behind him and their political agendas that have come under scrutiny.

Native Affairs was contacted by several supporters of Alan Titford about our story including Ross Baker from the One NZ Foundation.

When we invited him to appear this evening he declined because he lives in Australia.  Muriel Newman, Mickael John Winkel, and Martin Doutre also declined.

Joining Mihingarangi Forbes to discuss this is Treaty gate blogger John Ansell and treaty lawyer and Mana Party President Annette Sykes.