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Ngā Aho Whakaari discuss Māori Media Review

Ngā Aho Whakaari is encouraging its members to have their say at an upcoming hui focusing on the Māori Media Sector Shift Review.

The Māori screen umbrella group,Ngā Aho Whakaari is hosting a hui to discuss the Māori Media Sector Shift Review and urge members to have their say.

Ngā Aho Whakaari is a Māori screen umbrella group and its Chair Hineani Melbourne says the lack of funding impacts the quality and diversity of Māori content being delivered to Māori.

“There's not enough funding to the digital realm, there isn't enough funding available to create that content and that's what the children and adults want to see”, says Melbourne.

In response to concerns of Ngā Aho Whakaari, Māori Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta had this to say.

“We shouldn't address this issue by simply thinking it's about money, this is about the direction and strategically positioning the Māori Media Sector in a stronger space”, says Mahuta.

Te Puni Kōkiri has been assigned by Māori Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta to conduct a Māori media shift review.

Nanaia Mahuta says, “The meeting is for industry workers to discuss among ourselves and converse with Te Puni Kōkiri whose initiative this is."

Mahuta says it's about Māori content being more accessible to domestic and international audiences, and to have a broader appeal for transmission.

“I think that a digital environment provides that opportunity and we've got to position early, and then that in itself should be a justification as to why the government would want to invest in the new direction that we're heading down”, says Mahuta.

Ngā Aho Whakaari is hosting a hui to discuss the review at Tamatekapua Marae in Rotorua on Thursday morning.