Regional | Crown

Ngāti Hine want urgent hearing over Tūhoronuku mandate

Tūhoronuku is full steam ahead in their Waitangi treaty settlement process, with their elections underway to form the Tūhoronuku committee.

Greater hapū representation was one of the concessions in the discussions with the Crown and Te Kotahitanga so the Tūhoronuku Independent Mandate Authority will look like this when elected;

  • Three hapū representatives from the five hapū regions,
  • One kaumatua, one kuia from Ngāpuhi,
  • Four urban representatives from West Auckland, South Auckland, Wellington and the South Island, and the last representative from Te Rūnanga ā Iwi o Ngāpuhi.

Ngāti Hine is still strongly opposed to having Tūhoronuku negotiate on their behalf despite the Crown's recognition of the Tūhoronuku deed of mandate, but the Tūhoronuku interim chairman had this response;

"While we sympathise, we need to vote for those representatives who will lead us out of the wilderness."

Once the election process is completed, the negotiators will be sought with a realistic goal of heading into negotiations with the Crown in the new year.