Regional | Te Reo Māori

School uses broadcast technology to teach te reo

A Tauranga school utilises the latest in technology to normalise the use of te reo Māori.  Te Ākau ki Pāpāmoa School's Radio TAKP broadcasts to an area within 5kms of the school and promotes bilingualism to its students and the wider community.

Te reo Māori can be heard across Pāpāmoa and those broadcasting it are the proverbial leaders of tomorrow.

Student announcers Bailey Cooper and Malibu Worters can be heard speaking te reo with teacher Tara Cameron.

"The idea to have a radio station came about in 2012," says Cameron.

She adds: "Since then Māori language has flourished in the school."

Cameron uses the show to get students talking about weather and other topics.

Principal Bruce Jepsen believes the radio station is a way to raise a generation of bilingual New Zealanders.

"Allowing Māori to learn as Māori in the mainstream context," he explains.

"And the other beauty was to be able to share that taonga with all other New Zealanders and normalise the teaching of te reo Māori."

40% of the school's students are Māori and the radio show is now integral to their te reo lessons in the classroom.

"Māori language is now part of their school lives,' explains Cameron. 

"Radio TAKP 107.6FM is a great thing to them, they all want to be a DJ."

The radio station also provides the opportunity for students to reconnect with their Māori roots.

Malibu is of Te Arawa descent and both her and Bailey say they enjoy speaking te reo.

Bailey comes from Ngāpuhi and Ngāti Kahu and points out more highlights, "My favourite is doing the weekly waiata."

He adds, "And my favourite part is my dad. [He] is a Māori so I'm really trying to be a Māori like him."

The show broadcasts across multiple platforms.

"We've brought several platforms together to utilise all our school's resources, which include iPads, Apple TV and radio," says Cameron.

You can listen to the station on 107.6FM next time you are in Pāpāmoa.