National | Education

Survival of Turakina Māori Girls College looking slim

Turakina Māori Girls' College has only two weeks to change the minister's mind about the closure of their school.  Hekia Parata put out a statement saying there is no resolution to the issues crippling the school.

“My interim decision is that the school should close,” says Parata.

That was the disheartening message from the minister about Turakina Māori Girls' College today.  She says while the submissions have shown a great deal of goodwill, the reality is they only have one more chance to keep the school open.

However, the axe hasn't fallen just yet, but time is running out.  A final decision will be made next month.  The school has been in financial trouble for some time with a declining roll over the past 13 years.

“They have two weeks to address these issues, but the concerns are not new.  We have been discussing these matters for at least three years,” added Parata.

The reality is that the prospect of changing the minister's mind is very unlikely.