Regional | Regionals

Waitaha Senior Kapa Haka Competition- Te Ahikaaroa

Te Ahikaaroa was established in 1993 and the core purpose members chose to bring the group together was to ignite and cultivate the passion of it's people for whānau, haka and education.

Tutored by Ripeka Paraone, Te Ahikaaroa proudly represented their rohe at Te Matatini o te Ra 2011.

The group was led in its performance at this years Waitaha regionals by Awhioraki Goodall as the Manukura Tāne and Ripeka Paraone, Manukura Wāhine.

Here is their Waiata ā Ringa, 'Ko koe, ko au, ko tātou' which was composed by Reverend Anaru Takurua.